A fresh start

It’s been a while since I last tried writing a blog; I can’t even really remember why I took it down, and I still have all of the old posts. Anyway, I’ve had some time and space to think about giving it another go and this is it.

It’s probably worth starting with how I’m approaching this blog. I’ve had a tendency in the past to get caught up in trying to make things just right for this sort of personal project so I’ve decided to really try to strip things back and not be concerned about things. I’m also not going to try to do anything fancy; this blog is starting as a very simple effort with a very straightforward off-the-shelf theme hosted as a GitHub Pages blog on my GHP subdomain.

In terms of content, my stop-start intention has always been to keep a blog primarily as personal notes for my own reference that perhaps others would occasionally find useful (or any other adjective, to be honest). So I intend to have sporadic and mostly-short notes to self with an occasional longer post in the mix. One point of friction with writing blogs is definitely editing, either purposeful post-draft editing, or the mid-thought changes made during drafting (which I’m doing now, and is a drag on finishing this somewhat thin post…)

In terms of topics, my focus for now is definitely going to be around the things I’ve been doing with LLMs and related bits and pieces. I don’t think I’ve been as excited about technology in my twenty plus years of building software as I am right now, and I want to start recording it.